Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Diabetes Medications

I just ran across some interesting and useful information about diabetes medications. Did you know that there are currently five classes of oral diabetes medications? All in which help lowering blood glucose levels. The different classes of diabetes medication can be used together or with insulin to achieve control of blood sugar.

These words are going to sound big, but I am going to break things down for you and hopefully simplify them for you.

Classes of oral Medications

  1. Sulfonylureas – stimulate the pancreas to make more insulin, the second and third generation are that best.
  2. Biguanides – Shut off the livers excess glucose production.
  3. Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitors – Slow absorption of carbohydrates in the intestines
  4. Thiazolidinediones – Increase the body’s sensitivity to insulin.
  5. Meglitinides – Stimulate the pancreas to make insulin

I know these words seem long and unpronounceable. Believe me when I first read this list I had a hard time spelling them…and I still do. But I believe it is important to stay educated about your disease. The more you know the better!

Sulfonylureas the first drug group to be introduced into the U.S. in 1955. Sulfonlureas stimulates the beta cells to produce more insulin. These oral drugs have kept many type 2’s off injected insulin.

I can’t make the name easy to pronounce, but I can help clarify what this class of oral medication does.

Visit for more information, and useful tips. Mini Pharmacy has a huge selection of diabetes supplies, if they don’t have what you want on their online store, and it is still available through pharmacies Mini Pharmacy can get it. They provide low cost, top of the line supplies and knowledgeable staff to help with any questions you might have. Enroll with Mini Pharmacy today.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Diabetes Myths and Legends

There are many myths about diabetes that sometimes make it hard to know what is fact and what is fiction. Myths can create a picture of diabetes that is not accurate and full of stereotypes.

Here are some common myths and misconceptions:

MYTH: If you are overweight or obese you will eventually develop type 2 diabetes

Fact: Being overweight is a risk factor for developing diabetes, but other risk factors also come into play such as family history, ethnicity and age. Unfortunately, too many people disregard the other risk factors and think that weight is the only risk. Most people that are overweight never develop type 2 diabetes, and many people have diabetes that are normal weight or just moderately overweight.

MYTH: Diabetes is not that serious of a disease

Fact: Diabetes causes more deaths per year than breast cancer and AIDS combined! Two out of three people with diabetes die of heart disease or stroke.

MYTH: People with diabetes can’t eat sweets or chocolate

Fact: If eaten as part of a healthy meal plan, or combined with exercise, sweets and desserts can be eaten by people with diabetes. They are no more “off limits” to people with diabetes than they are to people who don’t have diabetes.

MYTH: Fruit is a healthy food, therefore I can eat as much of it as I like

Fact: Fruit is healthy. It contains lots of fibers and vitamins. Because fruit contains carbohydrates they need to be a part of your meal plan, but talk to your doctor about the amount that is right for you.

It is important to know about your disease. Not taking your disease seriously can lead to serious health risks, even death.

After going over the myths, and always talking to your doctor, you can always count on Mini Pharmacy to not only deliver fast, next day free delivery of all your diabetes supplies, but they will be there to answer your questions or concerns you may have. Their staff is well trained and knowledgeable. Visit to enroll for free and start receiving the care you deserve.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

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Diabetes Risk Test

Are you at risk of potentially getting diabetes? Take this simple test to and get results instantly!

  1. Are you Male or Female?
  1. How old are you?
  1. Have you ever developed diabetes during a pregnancy?
  1. Does your mother, father, sister or brother have diabetes?
  1. What race or ethnicity best describes you?
  1. Have you ever been told by a doctor or other healthcare professional that you had hypertension, also called high blood pressure?
  1. How much do you weigh?
  1. How tall are you?
  1. Compared to most men/women your age would you say you are:

More active

Less active

About the same

Answering yes to questions 3, 4 and 6 puts you at greater risk of diabetes. Need more answers to your diabetes questions? Concerned you may be at risk? The most important thing to do is to talk with your doctor. Once you have found out your diagnosis and you need proper medication to control your disease, enroll at their staff is friendly, knowledgeable and will take care of all your medical paperwork. Mini Pharmacy has a large selection of diabetes supplies and can deliver them to your door step nationwide next day free of charge.

Mini Pharmacy not only offers diabetes supplies, they offer a lending hand. They have been in business for 30 years and take personal pride in making each and every client feel at home. When you need additional information about your disease or a product you can always count on Mini Pharmacy’s knowledgeable staff to reach out and extend themselves.

Find out for yourself. Visit today.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What You Need to Know About Your Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes: people with this type of diabetes need to take insulin every day. This type of diabetes used to be called the juvenile diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes: Diet and physical activity help control this type of diabetes. Most people also need to take diabetic pills or insulin. Type 2 diabetes is very common and used to be called adult onset diabetes.

Diabetes is a serious disease and many people who have diabetes do not know it. Many people with type 2 diabetes do not have any symptoms! Some people are at higher risk to for diabetes than others. Some of these people are:

Older than 45
Are overweight
Have a close family member who has diabetes such as a parent, brother, or sister
Had diabetes during pregnancy
Had a baby that weighed more than 9 pounds
Are African American, Hispanic, Latino, Asian American, Pacific Islander or Native American.
Have high blood pressure
Have high cholesterol or other abnormal blood fats
Are inactive

If you know someone that might be at risk to have diabetes urge them to talk to a health care professional.

It is always important to get regular care for your diabetes. It is also important to ask for help when you need it. Do you need an extra hand? Ask family and friends to help with support when you need it.

Need additional support? Mini Pharmacy is always on hand to lend an ear, give you knowledgeable and dependable product support and help you with important product knowledge. Need a help filling out paperwork? Not sure where to start? Enroll with Mini Pharmacy today and receive help with your paperwork, free next day delivery Nationwide, low cost diabetes supplies, and best of all a caring supportive staff is always on hand to guide you.

Visit today and see and feel the difference a family owned company can make. Mini Pharmacy has been around for 30 years for a reason. They are a name that you can count on and trust. 888-545-6464

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Seven Tips On How To Find A Reliable Diabetic Supplies Company

You may be able to go down the street and find a reliable vendor for these necessary diabetic supplies or you may need to go online and have a vendor ship what you need. Look at both possibilities before you commit to one.

Things to Look for in a Diabetic Supply Merchant

1. Do they have a money-back guarantee just as Wal-Mart and K-Mart do?

2. Is the company located in the United States or Canada? It's important to avoid diabetes supplies companies located any place outside of North America. The shipping tends to be less reliable and Customs may hold onto your shipment. Also, it's easier for those farther away to rip you off.

3. Do they have a return address, not a P.O. Box? In fact, a P.O. Box number for a company is a clue that they may not even be a real business. You don't want to get stuck with a fly-by-night seller who is getting the diabetic testing products from eBay and reselling them.

4. Do they have a 1-800 number that you can reach around the clock? You don't want to have to settle a problem by e-mail. Just make sure there's a way to reach them by phone when you need them.

5. When you call the telephone number to check it out, is there a person who can answer your questions and who has in-depth knowledge about diabetes testing and medical supplies? Fly-by-nighters hand off the billing to another company who only bills and takes your credit card information. Not a good sign! Ask the person you get when you call whether they are a billing center. They should be able to answer simple questions about the company. If they can't, that's the signal to move on to another vendor.

6. Is there a pharmacist or a certified diabetes educator on hand when you call? The big, efficiently-operated firms have this. Amateurs do not. You may need information about traveling with your supplies. You may need to know what happens when they're exposed to freezing temperatures, etc. You want someone who knows to answer your questions when you need the information.

7. Check on shipping prices. The company may be making its money on the shipping. If you're getting a good price on the supplies but are being soaked when it comes to shipping, you need to move on to another company.

Seven Tips On How To Find A Reliable Diabetic Supplies Company. Mini Pharmacy is a well-known family owned diabetic supply company that has served diabetics with quality products for many years. Get more information at=>

Diabetes Insipidus

Diabetes Insipidus is a in which the kidneys are unbable to conserve water. The symptoms you may incur are excessive thirst (may be intense or uncontrollable or may involve a craving for ice water), and excessive urine volume.

How do you control Diabetes Insipidus? you may talk to your doctor about the best possible remedy but an anti-inflammatory medication or diuretics are recommended.

Diabetes Insipidus is an uncommon that occurs when the kidneys aren’t able to conserve enough water as they perform their function of filtering blood. The amount of water conserved is controlled by an antidiuretic hormone (ADH), also called vasopressin.

ADH is a hormone that is produced in the region of the brain called the hypothalamus. It is then stored and released from the pituitary gland, a small gland at the base of the brain.

DI is caused by lack of ADH and is called Central Diabetes Insipidus. When DI is caused by a failure of the kidneys to respond to ADH, the condition is called nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.

Central diabetes insipidus is caused by damage to the hypothalamus or pituitary gland and can be caused by:

Head injury

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Seven Little Known Secrets To Saving a Bundle On Diabetic Supplies

Treating diabetes is costly. In fact, many people with the disease go without treatment with unfortunate results simply because they can't afford to pay for the treatments. It's wise to look for ways to reduce the costs of treating this disease because it's life-threatening. This article offers some ways to find affordable diabetic supplies.

Some of the supplies you may need:

  1. Blood glucose meter
  2. Testing strips
  3. Lancets
  4. Log book
  5. Medications
  6. Insulin (in some cases)
  7. Syringes (for insulin)
  8. Insulin pen
  9. Insulin pump

Seven Ways to Save on Diabetic Supplies

  1. Generics. Some medications are available now in generic forms. You doctor should be your guide for which ones are acceptable. However, you may be able to purchase generic medications and medical supplies for as little $3 or $4 a month. Some insurers provide them free of charge.
  1. Medicare. Medicare Part B pays 20% of Medicare-approved charges for a doctor's visit, but tests are covered. Medicare covers 20% of the Medicare-approved amount after the yearly Part B deductible for monitors, strips, lancets, and, in some cases, therapeutic diabetic shoes. They may also cover diabetic socks. Part D covers some of the supplies needed for administration of insulin. Part B covers an insulin pump at 20% of Medicare-approved amount.
  1. Medicaid. Medicaid usually covers diabetes supplies and medications. Check what your state will cover. You may need to make a co-payment.
  1. Samples. Manufacturers often offer free diabetic products. Ask your doctor. Also, if you attend conferences such as the American Diabetes Association Expo, samples are usually available for the taking.
  1. Compare Providers. If a blood glucose meter is given away free, be sure to compare the cost of strips and lancets. The meter may end up not being such a good bargain. Remember that generics may cost less. You need to run tests if you choose to use generics to be sure they're reliable.
  1. Chains. Home Diagnostics pairs with retailers like CVS and Walgreens to offer a less-expensive product line. Check out the discount chains on your own for better prices. You might talk to a Wal-Mart pharmacist, for example.
  1. Online Companies. The competition is ferocious for diabetic supplies online, so this is where the greatest bargains may be. Don't order from a company that doesn't have a real street address. Find out whether the company has a pharmacist. A bargain may not be a bargain once cost of shipping is added in. Make certain that insulin is kept cold during shipping. Don't order if there isn't a money-back guarantee. Stricter regulations apply in the U.S., so buy from a domestic supplier. Ask your doctor about any company you decide to try.

Remember that it's vital that you monitor your blood sugar levels and take your prescribed medication, no matter the cost. If you can't afford it, there are ways to get help.

Nephrogenic Diabetes Part 2 What You Might Not Know

As long as you drink enough water there shouldn’t be much complications, but if you lack water consumption you may become dehydrated, which cause:

Dry skin
Dry mucus membranes
Rapid heart rate
Sunken appearance to eyes
Unintentional weight loss

You will also have an unbalanced Electrolytes which cause:

Fatigue, lethargy
Muscle pains

You should always contact your doctor as soon as any of these symptoms persist. If you know you have diabetes and you have these symptoms go to your doctor immediately.

Need more information about diabetes or diabetes insipidus? Mini Pharmacy has the most up to date information. Their staff is knowledgeable, personable, and are always available to answer your questions and concerns.

Visit Mini Pharmacy’s website at for large list of manufacturers, products and many other diabetes supplies. If you don’t see a supply or product you know is in available somewhere else, call them direct at 888-545-6464. Mini Pharmacy has the largest selection of diabetes supplies Nationwide, takes care of all your messy paperwork, and delivers free nationwide next day.

Let Mini Pharmacy take care of the delivery, the paperwork hassle and the time! No more waiting in long pharmacy lines! Just open your front door and your diabetes supplies await you!

Monday, September 13, 2010

How To Survive Diabetes

If you've been diagnosed with diabetes, then you need to begin thinking of survival. This is not only a life-threatening disease, it can also blind you, reduce circulation, and cause your limbs to be have to be amputated. Hardening and narrowing of the arteries is a result of uncontrolled diabetes. Strokes and coronary heart disease are common among diabetics. Approximately 17 million Americans are diabetics.

The first thing you need to do is find yourself a good internal medicine physician in general practice. You will not survive if you try to treat yourself. This physician can tell you in quite exact terms what your condition is and work out a treatment and diabetic diet plan, not one that will cure your disease, but one that will control it and keep you alive with the least possible damage to your system.

This disease requires a lot of self-management, and that means that you need to educate yourself and take charge. No one else can make the changes in lifestyle that will determine whether you will come down with all or any of the adverse effects. Only you can do that. Those changes include daily monitoring of your blood-sugar levels with a meter, lancets, and diabetic testing strips. You will also need to keep a log of your readings.

The second change will be dietary in nature. It's probably true that if you have diabetes, your diet is not keeping you in very good shape. This will be one of the hardest changes to make, but is also the key to surviving diabetes. You need to read a lot about the relationship between diet and blood sugar. The American Diabetes Association is your friend now. Become an expert on carbohydrates, types of sugars, the role of protein in a healthy diabetic diet, and learn how dairy products can be your friend and play a useful role in your new life plan.

Where you obtain your diabetic supplies and your medications must be decided by you. You'll find a lot of companies offering free meters, but look at the whole picture. That company will also require that you buy your lancets and strips, and they may be much more expensive than with other sources. Talk to your doctor and to other diabetics for guidance and advice in these matters.

Your life is going to change, so you might as well accept it. You must now get more involved than you've ever been in your health care if you want to survive.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Easy List of Foods For the Diabetic

Changing Your Diet for Diabetes

Often those who most need to make these changes, to account for their diabetes, rebel and refuse to accept that this is not an option, and it will be true the rest of their lives.

Monitoring Blood Sugar and Changing Meal Plans

On the other hand, people with diabetes who handle the disease most successfully not only see their doctors regularly but also follow his advice. They monitor their blood sugar and make the necessary changes in their eating habits.

The key is first of all to take control of what you eat, and to develop your own diabetic diet plan. Don't count on your spouse or anyone else to do this. If you're to survive your diabetes, you must do it yourself. You must study and learn what a carbohydrate is and what it can do to you. Get some diabetic recipes cookbooks, or find recipes online. Here is a list of foods for the diabetic to eat:

Vegetables. These are the good guys. They have the nutritious elements the body requires and that make people healthier. Try to get four or five servings a day, but avoid the starchy ones.

Fruit. These can be your friends if you choose them wisely. Fruits, like vegetables, are packed with many of the nutrients your body needs. They're low in fat and high in fiber. They tend to have a lot of sugar, so you can't just load up on fruits as you can on vegetables.

Beans. These are excellent sources of fiber. For this reason, they make you feel full longer. They slow digestion and keep blood sugar from spiking after a meal.

Cereal. This is good if it's whole-grain. They provide important fiber. Whichever one you choose, it should provide at least 5 grams of fiber.

Fish. This is an excellent source of protein and a good substitute for the meats that have more fat. Some fish also provide omega-3 fatty acids. Three servings a week is a good guideline.

Poultry breast. Lean and low in calories.

Nuts. Even the fats are helpful in controlling blood sugar.

Olive oil. Keeps blood sugar steady by reducing insulin resistance. Get rid of the butter!

Yogurt. Nonfat plain yogurt is best. Add your own fruit and nuts.

Cinnamon. Yes, cinnamon! Take it as a spice on foods or in capsules
While it's true that the most difficult part of managing diabetes is the changes that must be made in what is eaten, with a little bit of practice, a diabetic's diet will often be healthier than the average American.

An easy list of foods for the diabetic by diabetic supply company Mini Pharmacy. Mini Pharmacy is a well-known family owned diabetic supply company that has served diabetics with quality products for many years. Get more information at=>

Thursday, September 9, 2010

You've Just Been Diagnosed With Diabetes. Now What?

Diagnosed with Diabetes -- Signs of Diabetes

this lens's photo
Seeing your doctor for an annual physical is a good thing to do. If you can't afford it or don't have insurance that covers it, watch for health fairs where free screenings for diabetes are being offered.

Diabetes Symptoms

It's important that you be screened from time to time, especially if you've been experiencing any of the following possible signs of diabetes:

1. frequent urination and unusual thirst
2. extreme hunger
3. loss of weight for no reason
4. extreme fatigue and irritability
5. frequent infections and blurred vision
6. cuts or bruises that are slow to heal
7. hands and feet tingle or go numb unpredictably
8. frequent skin infections
9. frequent gum or bladder infections

First of all, this is not a do-it-yourself disease although self-management is vital. Your case needs to be followed by a physician who will prescribe medications and a regimen of care that is appropriate for your particular case. You will want to keep track of your blood sugar levels by using a blood glucose meter, lancets, and testing strips.

One thing essential is a carefully managed diabetic meal plan, so you need to begin to read everything you can find about what you should be eating. You must limit carbohydrates and processed sugar. Diabetics who are successful at managing their diseases become very knowledgeable about the nutritional content of foods.

You should include foods from all four major groups, but the mix of them is the key. Here is a simple list of foods for the diabetic to eat:

1. Fruits and vegetables. This can include the green vegetables like lettuce, spinach, and green beans as well as other-colored fruit like yellow and red bell peppers. Using fruits judiciously, being careful not to get too much sugar, makes the diabetic diet more palatable and more nutritious.
2. Whole grains. Bread made from whole grain cereal like whole wheat and bran are good choices. Having a whole-grain cereal at breakfast is recommended for diabetics because it gets your day off in a good way.
3. Dairy products. You have a wide range of choices here, but be sure to select the non-fat or low-fat versions. Cottage cheese and yogurt help you feel satisfied when you feel particularly empty.
4. Proteins. This is vital! Include eggs in your diet, in moderation. Also, add in a supply of nuts. They help fill the protein slot and also satisfy your hunger. Meat, fish, and dried beans are other good sources for protein.

It's important that you take control of your diabetic diet, that you have a plan and stick to it. You will lose weight if you do, which will impact the blood-sugar and blood-pressure situation; and you will not only feel better, you'll begin to be better before long.

The following possible signs of diabetes: Loss of weight for no reason.
Mini Pharmacy is a well-known family owned diabetic supply company that has served diabetics with quality products for many years.
Get more information at=>

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Complications of Diabetes

Some short term complications include hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, ketoacidosis, and hyper-osmolar syndrome. Diabetic patients need to be aware of their signs and symptoms and what to do to reverse them. Long term complications such as heart disease, kidney disease, neuropathy, diseases of the eyes, peripheral vascular disease, and more can seriously compromise the diabetic patient.

One of the many long term complications with diabetes type 2 patients is disease of the kidneys, more commonly known as neuropathy. Excess glucose in the blood can damage the delicate blood vessels in the kidneys that filter toxins from our bodies. When kidneys aren’t doing their job toxins build up in the blood.

When you have type 2 diabetes it is important to take care of and protect your feet. One long term effect of neuropathy is numbness and tingling in your feet. Neuropathy is nerve damage. If you have a cut or sore on your foot you may not be able to feel it. This can increase your risk of infections in your feet.

You may also be at risk from heart attacks, cardiac arrest and strokes. Diabetes puts you at risk for many complications. Some that progress slowing and others that can strike without any warning.

If you have type 2 diabetes you can be at risk of tuberculosis. The risk of tuberculosis goes up when hyperglycemia is uncontrolled. Because tuberculosis is an airborne disease it is difficult to protect yourself from it. If an infected person coughs, sneezes or otherwise expels respiratory secretions into the air, it places others at risk for inhaling the droplets and contracting the disease.

There are so many health options when you have diabetes. It is quite easy to live a normal and healthy life. You need to know your options. The first step is having the right doctor to help guide you in the right direction. To inform you of your diabetic options and put you at ease. You also need to find a company you can count on to deliver high quality, on time diabetic supplies.

Mini Pharmacy offers free delivery Nationwide. Same day or next day. All their products are competitive in prices, and their staff is knowledgeable and friendly. There is no need to wait in long lines at your local pharmacy. Your time is valuable and Mini Pharmacy appreciates that.

Enroll at they take care of all your messy paperwork and get your orders delivered right the first time. Need some more information? Mini Pharmacy is happy to oblige. Call now 888-545-6464 or visit their website for up to date diabetes information.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What Is A Periodontist?

When it comes to the science of good hygiene, we all know how important taking care of our teeth and gums are-though for many of us, either genetics, absent-mindedness, costs, and/or insurance coverage can keep us from maintaining the overall health of our mouths-through proper brushing, flossing, and checkups with the dentist. Unfortunately, this can lead many of us to need more advanced care in the form of a periodontist. Though many of us have never even heard of this term, it is a vital profession in the science of teeth and gum care.

So, what is a periodontist? A periodontist is a specialty dentist who can detect, diagnose, and treat gum disease and is able to administer advanced care to patients who may want or need the optimum dental health. A periodontist must complete four years of dental school, and then also three years in their advanced specialty. From there, periodontists are able to offer their patients advanced dental care in the following areas: gum disease and dental implantation.

Periodontists are really defined by what periodontist procedures they can offer a patient- such as in gum disease treatments. Often, a patient who is having symptoms of gum disease has acquired these symptoms due to improper care of their teeth. While many patients need only a standard dentist for care, in many cases, it is recommended that they use a periodontist. This is because a periodontist can detect, diagnose, and treat gum disease with more accuracy than a dentist. This is why in the event of patient gum disease or dental implant needs, a dentist will often recommend a periodontist.

So, more specifically, what do periodontists do as regards periodontist procedures? For gum disease treatments, the care is typically administered in phases. The periodontist evaluates the extent of the damage to the gums and begins educating the patient on proper brushing, flossing, and plaque removal techniques. Plaque is removed and gum bleeding reduced.

In proper gum treatment procedures, the second phase administered by a periodontist is closer inspection of the areas which have harbored plaque and caused gum disease. Depending on the extent of the remaining damage, and the willingness of the patient to begin proper dental hygiene, the treatment typically reduces the size of these pockets.

What is a Periodontist? Explained by Los Angeles Cosmetic Dentistry Southland Dental Care. Southland Dental Care is a well-known cosmetic dentistry and periodontics business located in Los Angeles, California offering services such as dental implants, lumineers, porcelain veneers, crowns, inlays, gum bleaching, and gum contouring just to name a few.

Get more information at=>

Top Warning Signs of Diabetes

The signs of Diabetes type 1 and 2 are quite similar in some instances. In both there is too much glucose in the blood and not enough in the cells of your body. High glucose levels in type 1 diabetes is because insulin producing cells have been destroyed. Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body’s cells become resistant to insulin that is being produced. Either way your cells are not getting the insulin they need, and your body lets you know by certain symptoms and signs. Such signs are using the bathroom more frequently. Are you visiting the bathroom much more frequently? Urination becomes more frequent when there is too much glucose in the blood.

If insulin is nonexistent or ineffective, the kidneys can’t filter glucose back to the blood. They become overwhelmed and try to draw extra water out of the blood to dilute the glucose. This is what keeps your bladder full and keeps you running to the restroom.

Another warning sign is being extremely thirsty. If it feels like you can’t get enough water and you’re drinking much more than usual, it could be a sign of diabetes, especially if it goes hand in hand with frequent trips to the bathroom.

Losing weight without trying to can be another tell tale sign of diabetes. This symptom is more frequent in type 1 diabetes. In type 1, the pancreas stops making insulin, possibly due to a viral attack on the pancreas cells or because an autoimmune response makes the body attack the insulin producing cells. The body starts looking for an energy source because the cells aren’t getting glucose. It starts to break down muscle and fat for energy. Type 2 happens more gradually with increasing insulin resistance so weight loss is not noticeable.

You may also notice tingling or numbness in your hands, feet or legs, and weakness or fatigue.

If you or someone you love seems to be complaining of these symptoms it is the best advice to go to your trusted doctor and find out what is causing these symptoms. It could be diabetes.

Diabetes is a serious disease and needs to be taken care of by a licensed physician. When you have been diagnosed, you need a trusted pharmacy by your side. Mini Pharmacy has been in business 30 years and takes pride caring for each and every one of their clients.

There is no need to stand in long pharmacy lines when you can visit and receive low cost, plentiful selection of manufacturers, free delivery and knowledgeable, friendly staff.

You deserve the best of care and that is what Mini Pharmacy Los Angeles guarantees. Enroll now

Monday, August 2, 2010

Gestational Diabetes

Women who develop gestational diabetes in their first or second pregnancy have a 630 percent increased risk of developing the condition in later pregnancies. In a study with more 65,000 women found that Asian and Pacific Islander women were more at risk, as were women over 30. This information is said to be important by experts since it is important to catch gestational diabetes early in your pregnancy to avoid complications.

Gestational Diabetes is a glucose intolerance that typically occurs in the second or third trimester. It can lead to early C-sections, type 2 diabetes, and can increase a child’s risk of developing diabetes later in life.

It is important when you are pregnant to consult your physician early and frequently throughout your pregnancy to prevent any complications.

For the past 30 years Mini Pharmacy has been the leading diabetic supply company in California and beyond. Mini Pharmacy began as a family owned company and still is to this day. It is important to be able to trust the company that delivers your diabetes supplies. Mini Pharmacy Los Angeles prides themselves in top tier service to their clients every time.

Mini Pharmacy’s understands that their clients are the reason they have existed for the past 30 years. They work to not only make their clientele happy, but to keep them happy. If you have questions concerning gestational diabetes, or how to help prevent this, always consult your physician first, but if you still have questions or concerns Mini Pharmacy wants to be of help.

Call or visit Mini Pharmacy online

Friday, July 23, 2010

Diabetes Treatment and Supplies Online

Stop standing in long pharmacy lines and start living your life! Let Mini Pharmacy deliver its low cost, high end diabetic supplies to your front door. Visit their website now to enroll for free or call 888-545-6464

Need treatment options for Diabetic Ketoacidosis? The goal of treatment is to correct the high blood glucose level by giving the body more insulin. Another goal is to replace fluids lost due to excessive urination and vomiting. Hopefully you can see the signs before your ketoacidosis gets out of hand, but if gets severe you will need to go to the hospital. At the hospital they will give you an insulin replacement, fluids and electrolytes will be replaced and the cause of the condition (such as an infection) will be found and treated.

If you have diabetes type 1 you can test early for diabetic ketoacidosis. The test is done by testing your ketones in a urine sample. Ketone testing is usually done when your blood sugar is higher than 240 mg/dl, during an illness such as pneumonia, heart attack or stroke, when nausea and vomiting occur, or during pregnancy. Other tests you can do to check for diabetic ketosacidosis are:

Arterial blood gas
Blood glucose test
Blood pressure measurement
Amylase blood test
Potassium blood test

Acidosis can lead to serious illness and death. With improved therapy for young people they have significantly reduced the amount of deaths, but it is still an increasing problem in the elderly who fall into a coma when their acidosis isn’t treated quickly enough.

Knowing the signs and causes of diabetic ketoacidosis is important to your health. Knowledge is power and that is why Mini Pharmacy wants to arm you with as much knowledge as possible. As always Mini Pharmacy encourages you to get diabetes information from your healthcare professional, but they not only want to be your number 1 diabetes supply company, they want you to be a part of their family.

Mini Pharmacy’s based out of family values. A huge reason they have been in business as long as they have is their core values and the way they treat their clients. Their clients are like family. When you need a pharmacy to deliver next day to your home free of charge they are there! When you need a question answered they are there. Enroll at for low cost diabetic supplies, free shipping anywhere in the United States and service you can always count on.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Celebrity Nick Jonas and His Battle With Diabetes

One of the most inspiring things to see is when people do not let diabetes get in the way of their life and their pursuit to success. I came across a tribute video of Nick Jonas to his fight with diabetes and I though I would post it on here for all of you to see. To watch the video click the link below...

For more information on diabetes and diabetes supplies click here "Diabetes-Supplies-Online"

Monday, April 19, 2010

Diabetes and Kidney Disease

The odds of getting kidney disease when being diabetic are higher, however it can be avoided if you know how. I read this article this morning and found it to contain great information on this very subject. Please read this excerpt of the text…

“Not everyone who has diabetes gets kidney disease. This is yet another popular misconception about the illness. While uncontrolled glycemia can cause kidney disease, diabetics who maintain their proper blood glucose levels can avoid kidney disease.”

To read the entire article click here “Kidney Disease And Diabetes – What You Should Know

For more information on diabetes and diabetes supplies click here “Diabetic Supplies Online

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Gestational Diabetes Help

Gestational Diabetes, being one of the most important things to be aware of involving diabetes, can be fatal to both the mother and the child, I read a great article today educating people about GD, Check out this snippet from the post...

"Gestational diabetes education is important for women who are planning for a new child or who recently found that are going to have a child. The best advice is to keep in mind is that it is what you “don’t know” that can hurt you and your baby..."

For the full article click here "Gestational Diabetes Education"

For more information on diabetes and diabetes supplies click here Diabetic Supplies Online.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Diabetes- The Caring Online Community

Today I read an article about how the online diabetes community is caring and helpful, I enjoyed it very much and decided to post it on here for all of you. Here is a small part of the post…

“Over the last few days, even months if we go back a little further, it has really dawned on me how caring and how awesome the diabetic online community is. I have been dealing with an issue with CVS pharmacy this past week and so many of you on Twitter and commenting on my blog were really helpful and gave some great advice.”

To view the entire article click here “Caring Diabetic Online Community

For more information on diabetes and diabetic supplies click here “Diabetic Supplies Online

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Group Containing Diabetic Supplies Information

Tons of information and blogs on diabetes supplies, Get diabetes supplies and information by clicking this link "Diabetic Supplies".

For more information on diabetes supplies visit Mini Pharmacy Online Diabetic Supplies.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Exercising for Diabetics

Hi, I came upon this post on exercise for diabetics. It was full of useful tips and info exercising and how it will benefit your diabetes. Here is a quick snippet from the article...

"If you have diabetes exercise is important for your heart health as well as weight loss; it will lower your high blood pressure, and, in some cases, improve blood sugar control as well as leading to an overall sense of well-being. If you are pre-diabetic or have risk factors it can even help prevent type 2 diabetes in some people."

To read the rest of the post click here "Your Diabetes Cure- Diabetes and Exercise"

For additional information on diabetes and diabetic supplies visit

Monday, March 29, 2010

Diabetes Supplies, How To Get What You Need

Reading an article I came across called "How Do you Get The Diabetes Supplies That You Need?" I found it very interesting and helpful. Here is a part of the post:

is a common problem that can be come very serious if not taken care of properly. The levels in the blood will need to be monitored closely to ensure that proper steps are taken to keep you healthy. This is something that, once started, will most likely continue for the rest of the life of the patient. It’s not pretty, it’s not fun, but it may save your life."

You can visit for more articles on diabetes, or click here to read the rest of the post: "How Do You Get The Diabetes Supplies That You Need?"

To get more information on diabetes and diabetic supplies visit

Monday, March 22, 2010

Diabetic Supplies and You

This blog is dedicated to providing the most valuable information on diabetes and diabetic supplies. Please check back next week for all the new content!