Thursday, September 9, 2010

You've Just Been Diagnosed With Diabetes. Now What?

Diagnosed with Diabetes -- Signs of Diabetes

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Seeing your doctor for an annual physical is a good thing to do. If you can't afford it or don't have insurance that covers it, watch for health fairs where free screenings for diabetes are being offered.

Diabetes Symptoms

It's important that you be screened from time to time, especially if you've been experiencing any of the following possible signs of diabetes:

1. frequent urination and unusual thirst
2. extreme hunger
3. loss of weight for no reason
4. extreme fatigue and irritability
5. frequent infections and blurred vision
6. cuts or bruises that are slow to heal
7. hands and feet tingle or go numb unpredictably
8. frequent skin infections
9. frequent gum or bladder infections

First of all, this is not a do-it-yourself disease although self-management is vital. Your case needs to be followed by a physician who will prescribe medications and a regimen of care that is appropriate for your particular case. You will want to keep track of your blood sugar levels by using a blood glucose meter, lancets, and testing strips.

One thing essential is a carefully managed diabetic meal plan, so you need to begin to read everything you can find about what you should be eating. You must limit carbohydrates and processed sugar. Diabetics who are successful at managing their diseases become very knowledgeable about the nutritional content of foods.

You should include foods from all four major groups, but the mix of them is the key. Here is a simple list of foods for the diabetic to eat:

1. Fruits and vegetables. This can include the green vegetables like lettuce, spinach, and green beans as well as other-colored fruit like yellow and red bell peppers. Using fruits judiciously, being careful not to get too much sugar, makes the diabetic diet more palatable and more nutritious.
2. Whole grains. Bread made from whole grain cereal like whole wheat and bran are good choices. Having a whole-grain cereal at breakfast is recommended for diabetics because it gets your day off in a good way.
3. Dairy products. You have a wide range of choices here, but be sure to select the non-fat or low-fat versions. Cottage cheese and yogurt help you feel satisfied when you feel particularly empty.
4. Proteins. This is vital! Include eggs in your diet, in moderation. Also, add in a supply of nuts. They help fill the protein slot and also satisfy your hunger. Meat, fish, and dried beans are other good sources for protein.

It's important that you take control of your diabetic diet, that you have a plan and stick to it. You will lose weight if you do, which will impact the blood-sugar and blood-pressure situation; and you will not only feel better, you'll begin to be better before long.

The following possible signs of diabetes: Loss of weight for no reason.
Mini Pharmacy is a well-known family owned diabetic supply company that has served diabetics with quality products for many years.
Get more information at=>

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